Monday, October 22, 2012

Weight loss

Seems weight loss is a never ending battle and one in which i often lose.
In july of this yr i weighed in at a heafty 221 pounds, the heavesit i have ever been.
We went on vacation to south dakota and did a ton of walking (one could have mistaken this trip for an exercise adventure) but i found out all that walking actually made me feel better so i continued the walking when we got home. I joined something called meet up and found a group of people that walk mt rubidoux once a week on tuesdays so i joined them and i walked in the rain and heat i was determined to lose some weight and i got my whole family involved and some pretty terrific friends too. Kim walks with me on thursdays because she has school on tuesdays and my sister and the girls meet me when the softball schedule allows and then there is scot who will also meet me to walk. with their help i have come down to 209 pounds it has been a steady weight loss but that is okay because it is a lifestyle change and not a fad diet.
I want to go into the holiday season at below 205 so i will continue to push towards that goal and part of that goal is too cook at home and watch my portions .. I CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!

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